Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today I learned how to make an Indian snack called vadai. I spent the day with Vijaya, talking with her and she was happy to show me how to cook vadai. We had fun making this video.


  1. Great video! That's awesome that she uses a mobile phone to conduct business. Did you get to try a vadai?

  2. Hope you don't mind! It's me Koda (Jill)! Andrea shared your blob with me.... those vadai look fantastic! Powdered sugar?

  3. They were delicious - I had two. They are oily though- everything here is cooked in oil - breakfast, lunch and dinner are all fried breads and doughs and rice breads of some kind with a sauce.

    I didn't see any powdered sugar!

  4. Ha . . . Jill. I was saying to myself that they look like Beignets and all it needs is some powdered sugar.

    They do look delicious.

  5. Ack! I can't believe i wrote "blob"! So, if no powdered sugar, maybe granulated sugar and cinnamon?

  6. Koda - haha about blob! :)

    I think these would go well with a soy latte! Speaking of which, are you getting your daily caffeine fix Amanda?

  7. Yes, Andrea. After a couple days of tea (the sweetest milk-made sugary, syrupy, ....Ok, I didn't like it...I went to the market and bought some packets of Nescafe. But coffee deserves it's own blog post so I'll write one. Why is nothing easy? LOL
